Public Debates Series


Our Public Debates
years working

To achieve greater impact, the work of the Institute is supported by a Public Debate and Information Dissemination Programme which is done through a number of avenues. IPAZ’s flagship semi-journal is a key output of this programme.

Research Associateship and Research Fellowship Program

To achieve the desired research output on our objectives IPAZ will runs a Research Program designed with two specific areas:

Research Associateship and Research Fellowship Program

Research Associateship is non-remunerated and is open to researchers wanting to be involved in the Institute’s work and also tapping into the support of its wide network of researchers; they also get to be associated with the Institute whilst they are working on their research projects.

Research Fellowships

Research Fellows work directly on IPAZ research projects. These are usually tenable for one year but also subject to extension. Most researches are funded by IPAZ and often involve partnerships and collaborations as well. Expected output include working papers, book chapters, monographs, research reports, policy briefs and journal papers.

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